涓昏鐢ㄩ€擬ain uses:1銆佸彲瀹炵幇鍚勭騫抽潰鍖呰鐗╀笂鐨勯《闈㈡垨渚ч潰璐存爣銆侺abeling of top or side surfaces on various flat packages can be realized.2銆佷富瑕侀€傜敤浜庨鍝併€侀ギ鏂欍€佸尰鑽€佹棩鍖栥€佺數瀛愶紝浜旈噾絳夎涓氥€?nbsp;It is mainly applicable to food, beverage, medicine, daily chemical, electronics, hardware and other industries.3銆佺壒鍒€傜敤浜庤創鐢靛瓙鐩戠鐮佹爣絳俱€佺墿嫻佷俊鎭爣絳懼強闃蹭吉鏍囩絳夈€?nbsp;It is especially suitable for electronic supervision code labels, logistics information labels and anti-count
闃呰璇︾粏WD-浜旂浘鍦ㄧ嚎閲囬泦鍏寵仈緋葷粺浠嬬粛Introduction to WD - 5D Online Acquisition Association SystemWD-浜旂浘鍦ㄧ嚎閲囬泦鍏寵仈緋葷粺鏀寔甯傞潰涓婄殑涓嶅悓鐗屽瓙涓嶅悓鍨嬪彿鐨勫悇縐嶇被鍒祴鐮佽澶囷紝鍖呮嫭娌瑰ⅷ鍠風爜鏈恒€佹縺鍏夋満銆侊紙TTO錛夌儹杞嵃鎵撳嵃鏈恒€佹潯鐮佹墦鍗版満銆佸嵆鏃舵墦鍗拌創鏍囨満錛屽疄鐜扮敓浜х嚎鍦ㄧ嚎璧嬬爜鍜岄噰闆嗚繘琛屽叧鑱旓紝瀹炵幇鍗曞搧璧嬬爜鎴栭噰闆嗚綆卞悓鏃跺疄鐜板綆辮祴鐮佸拰閲囬泦榪涜鍏寵仈緇戝畾WD - 5 shield online collection and association system supports various types of coding equipment of different brands and different models on the market, including ink jet printer, laser machine, ( TTO )
闃呰璇︾粏浜у搧浠嬬粛Product description:1 閲囩敤宓屽叆寮忓伐鎺ф満 錛堝伐涓氱數鑴戜富鏈猴級using embedded industrial personal computer ( industrial computer host )2 UPS鐙珛渚涚數UPS independent power supply3 瑗塊棬瀛?nbsp;PLC鎺у埗瑁呯疆Siemens PLC control device4 楂樺搧璐ㄥぇ鍔熺巼鐩存祦鐢墊簮緋葷粺 high quality high power DC power supply system5 闅旂IO鎺ュ彛鐢佃礬Isolation IO Interface Circuit6 鐩存祦寮哄姏楂橀€熷喎鍗寸郴緇烡C Power High Speed Cooling System7 鎶ヨ瑁呯疆Alarm device8 絎﹀悎GMP璁よ瘉 涓嶉攬閽㈤槻鎶ゅ澹矴