閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鑾峰緱涓浗璐ㄩ噺璁よ瘉鐩戠濮斿憳浼氬強鍏ㄥ浗鍝佺墝璁よ瘉鑱旂洘鑱斿悎棰佸彂鐨勩€婅川閲?鏈嶅姟.璇氫俊AAA浼佷笟銆嬭瘉涔︺€傝瘉涔︾紪鍙鳳細CQCP-SA575.Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd. obtained the certificate of " AAA enterprise of quality, service and integrity" jointly issued by China quality certification regulatory Committee and national brand certification alliance. Certificate number: CQCP-SA575.
闃呰璇︾粏浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鐩劇墝LOGO鑾峰緱鍥藉鐗堟潈灞€浣滃搧钁椾綔鏉冦€係hields LOGO of Wudun Technology Co., Ltd. Won Copyright of Works by National Copyright Administration
闃呰璇︾粏緋葷粺鍘熺悊System principle緋葷粺瀹炵幇闃茬獪璐х殑涓昏鏂瑰紡鏄互闃蹭吉鐮侊紙涓€鐗╀竴鐮侊級涓哄熀紜€錛屽皢浜у搧鐨勯槻浼爣璇嗕笌鏉$爜鏍囪瘑鎴愬浣跨敤銆傚嵆鍒朵綔鏍囩鏃跺凡緇忓皢浜у搧灝忓寘瑁呯敤鐨勯槻浼爜鍜屽ぇ鍖呰鐢ㄧ殑鐗╂祦鏉$爜鐩稿搴斻€備紒涓氬湪鍙戣揣鏃跺彧闇€緇欏ぇ鍖呰鐢ㄧ殑鏉$爜璧嬩簣鐩稿叧鐨勭鐞嗕俊鎭紝甯傚満浜哄憳紼芥煡甯傚満鏃跺氨鍙埄鐢ㄤ駭鍝佺殑闃蹭吉鐮佸噯紜煡璇㈣浜у搧鐨勯攢鍞尯鍩燂紝浠ヤ究鍙婃椂鍙戠幇鍜岃В鍐崇獪璐ч棶棰樸€俆he main way for the system to realize anti-channeling goods is to use the anti-counterfeiting mark and bar code mark in a complete set based on the anti-counterfeiting code ( one object one code ). That is, when making labels, th
闃呰璇︾粏婧簮浣撶郴瑙i噴Interpretation of traceability system 鎵€璋撶殑婧簮錛屽叾瀹炲氨鏄竴縐嶅彲榪芥函浣撶郴錛屽氨鏄€滄牴鎹垨鍒╃敤宸茶褰曠殑鏍囪瘑(榪欑鏍囪瘑瀵規瘡涓€鎵逛駭鍝侀兘鍏鋒湁鍞竴鎬э紝鍗蟲爣璇嗗拰琚拷婧璞¢棿鏄竴涓€瀵瑰簲鍏崇郴錛屽悓鏃訛紝鏍囪瘑宸蹭綔涓鴻褰曡淇濆瓨)榪芥函浜у搧鐨勫巻鍙?濡傝浜у搧鐨勫師鏉愭枡絳?銆佸簲鐢ㄦ儏鍐點€佹墍澶勫満鎵€鎴栫被浼間駭鍝佹垨媧誨姩鐨勮兘鍔涖€傗€漈he so-called traceability is actually a traceability system, which is " the ability to trace back the history ( such as the raw materials of the product ), application, location or similar products or activities of