RFID 灝勯鎶€鏈數瀛愮數瀛愰搮灝佷粙緇嶏細
Introduction of RFID Radio Frequency Technology Electronic Lead Seal錛?/strong>
鐢靛瓙閾呭皝鏄竴縐嶅叿鏈夌壒孌婅嚜閿佺粨鏋勭殑闃蹭吉楂橀RFID鐢靛瓙鏍囩錛屾槸涓撲負鍚勭闃蹭吉闃茬洍絳夊満鍚堝簲鐢ㄧ殑涓€縐嶇壒孌婂皝鍗版爣絳俱€傝繖縐嶆爣絳句負涓€嬈℃€т嬌鐢紝鑳藉鑷攣錛屽叿鏈夐槻鎾姛鑳斤紝緇撴瀯鍙潬錛涗駭鍝佸姞灝佹柟渚匡紝閲囩敤鎵嬪伐鍗沖彲瀹屾垚鍔犲皝錛屾柦灝佸姏鈮?00N錛涘姞灝佸悗錛屽皝綰垮湪涓嶇牬鍧忎駭鍝佺殑鎯呭喌涓嬩笉鑳芥媺鍑猴紝鍏舵姉鎷夊姏鈮?00N銆傝浜у搧宸插箍娉涘簲鐢ㄤ簬鐢佃〃閾呭皝銆侀泦瑁呯閾呭皝銆侀挶綆遍搮灝併€佹補緗愯濺閾呭皝絳夊悇縐嶉攣灝佸満鍚堛€俆he electronic lead seal is an anti-counterfeiting high-frequency RFID electronic tag with a special self-locking structure, and is a special seal tag specially used for various anti-counterfeiting and anti-theft occasions. The label is disposable, self - locking, anti - prying and reliable in structure. The product can be sealed easily by hand with sealing force 鈮?100N. After sealing, the sealing wire cannot be pulled out without damaging the product, and its tensile force is 鈮?100N. This product has been widely used in various locking occasions such as meter sealing, container sealing, money box sealing, oil tanker sealing and so on.
RFID 灝勯鎶€鏈數瀛愮數瀛愰搮灝佺壒鐐癸細
RFID Radio Frequency Technology Electronic Lead Seal Characteristics錛?/strong>
Each chip has an unalterable unique identifier ( serial number ) to ensure the uniqueness of each tag
Operating distance: 0 ~ 4 cm ( depending on antenna geometry and reader power )
3銆佸伐浣滈鐜囷細13.56 MHz(宸ヤ笟瀹夊叏錛岃鍙笘鐣岃寖鍥磋嚜鐢變嬌鐢?
Working frequency: 13.56 MHz ( industrial safety, free use worldwide )
It has the functions of self-locking and anti - prying. It is easy to seal and must be destroyed before it can be opened
The electronic part of the seal is closely combined with the mechanical part to ensure that the electronic part will fail at the same time when the seal is broken
small size and light weight
Data retention capacity over 10 years
Erase cycle is more than 100,000 times
RFID 灝勯鎶€鏈數瀛愮數瀛愰搮灝侀€傜敤棰嗗煙錛?/strong>
RFID Radio Frequency Technology Electronic Lead Seal Application Field;錛?/strong>
Digital Seal of Electric Meter
Electronic Seal of Cash Box Tail Box
Container Seal
Seal of Tank Truck
Anti - theft management of electronic exhibits